Hon Michael Gunner
Chief Minister
GPO Box 3146, Darwin,
NT 0801
Te: +61 (08) 8936 5500
Tw @fanniebay
FB @TerritoryChief
Hon Nicole Manison
Minister for Mining and Industry
GPO Box 3146, Darwin,
NT 0801
Tel: +61 (08) 8936 5547
Fax: +61 (08) 8945 1921
Tw @NicoleManison
FB @Manison4Wanguri
Hon Eva Lawler
Minister for Environment
GPO Box 3146, Darwin
NT 0801
Tel+61 (08) 8936 5566
FB @lawler4drysdale
Hon Michael Gunner
Chief Minister
GPO Box 3146, Darwin,
NT 0801
Te: +61 (08) 8936 5500
Tw @fanniebay
FB @TerritoryChief
Hon Nicole Manison
Minister for Mining and Industry
GPO Box 3146, Darwin,
NT 0801
Tel: +61 (08) 8936 5547
Fax: +61 (08) 8945 1921
Tw @NicoleManison
FB @Manison4Wanguri
Hon Eva Lawler
Minister for Environment
GPO Box 3146, Darwin
NT 0801
Tel+61 (08) 8936 5566
FB @lawler4drysdale

Therese Ritchie, Jack Green, Lead in my grandmother’s body, 2020.

Therese Ritchie, Nancy McDinny, Lead in my grandmother’s body, 2020.

Therese Ritchie, Isa McDinny, Lead in my grandmother’s body, 2020.

Therese Ritchie, Stewart Hoosan, Lead in my grandmother’s body, 2020.

Therese Ritchie, Peter Anderson, Lead in my grandmother’s body, 2020.

Therese Ritchie, Donald Shadforth, Lead in my grandmother’s body, 2020.

Therese Ritchie, Robert O'Keefe, Lead in my grandmother’s body, 2020.

Therese Ritchie, Casey Davey, Lead in my grandmother’s body, 2020.

Therese Ritchie, Gadrian Hoosan, Lead in my grandmother’s body, 2020.

Therese Ritchie, Peter Anderson Junior, Lead in my grandmother’s body, 2020.

Therese Ritchie, Karen Noble, Lead in my grandmother’s body, 2020.

Therese Ritchie, Cedrina Anderson, Lead in my grandmother’s body, 2020.

Therese Ritchie, Eleanor Neade, Lead in my grandmother’s body, 2020.

Therese Ritchie, Jaida Green, Lead in my grandmother’s body, 2020.

Therese Ritchie, Lindy Anderson, Lead in my grandmother’s body, 2020.

Therese Ritchie, Jackie Green, Lead in my grandmother’s body, 2020.

Therese Ritchie, Shauntrell Green, Lead in my grandmother’s body, 2020.

Therese Ritchie, Trazman Rory, Lead in my grandmother’s body, 2020.

Therese Ritchie, Shanalee Hogan, Lead in my grandmother’s body, 2020.

Therese Ritchie, Shakier Rory, Lead in my grandmother’s body, 2020.

Therese Ritchie, Danisa Green, Lead in my grandmother’s body, 2020.

Therese Ritchie, Quatisha Anderson, Lead in my grandmother’s body, 2020.

Therese Ritchie, Keiyka Green, Lead in my grandmother’s body, 2020.

Therese Ritchie, Elias O'Keeffe, Lead in my grandmother’s body, 2020.

Therese Ritchie, Leeron O'Keefe, Lead in my grandmother’s body, 2020.
You are not authorised to use these photographs without permission. All images ©Therese Ritchie 2020.